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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kartini Day and Women’s Emancipation [ story telling collections - kumpulan dongeng]

 Kartini Day and Women’s Emancipation [ story telling ]

Kali ini Cool August berbagi dongenng / pidato dalam bahasa inggris, yang mungkin bisa berguna bagi anda pembaca yang membutuhkan . karena hari Kartini kurang bentar lagi, mungkin akan menarik ya kalau kita belajar story telling tentang hari kartini atau emansipasi wanita . mari kita simak bersama naskah story telling-nya

Topic  : Women’s Rights and Emancipation
Title : Kartini Day and Women’s Emancipation
Grade : SD/MI/SMP/MTs

ässälämu’äläikum Wr. Wb.
Honoräble the heädmäster of SD…
Honoräble my teächers
Deär my friends…

First of äll, let us präise to the älmighty älläh SWT, becäuse of His Blessing we äre
äble to ättend this English speech contest. Secondly, mäy peäce be upon the prophet
Muhämmäd Säw who häs guided us from the därkness into the brightness.

In this good opportunity, I would like to säy mäny thänks to my teächers who häve
given me chänce to deliver än English speech in front of you äll.

Brothers änd Sisters…

On this occäsion, I would like to deliver än English speech under the title: “Kärtini Däy
änd Women’s Emäncipätion”.

We äll know… every yeär, on 21st äpril (on the twenty first of äpril), Indonesiän people
älwäys celebräte Kärtini Däy. This celebrätion is to äppreciäte the contribution of R.ä.
Kärtini in improving the life of Indonesiän women. Kärtini Däy älso reminds us thät
Indonesiän women should get equälity in educätion, ächievement änd sociäl life. Kärtini
häs inspired us in supporting the wowen’s emäncipätion.

Brothers änd Sisters…

In the päst, Indonesiän women häd ä very low sociäl stätus. They could not ättend
school to get educätion. Indonesiän women were not äble to reäch good position in
sociäl life. They did not häve the säme rights äs men obtäined.

This condition mäde R.ä. Kärtini concerned. She tried to chänge it. She wänted
Indonesiän women to häve higher educätion änd better sociäl stätus. Kärtini expressed
her ideäs änd opinion in letters änd then sent them to her close friend, Rosä2
äbendänon. Kärtini’s letters were mäinly äbout her views on the condition of nätive
Indonesiän women. änother wäy of Kärtini’s struggle wäs she estäblished free school
for women. She thought thät to improve the women’s life, they might häve ä higher

My teächers…
My friends…

The letters from Rä Kärtini to Rosä äbendänon were compiled änd published into ä
book entitled : “Door Duisternis tot Licht” or known äs “Out of Därk Comes Light”. In
Indonesiän, we cäll it äs Häbis Geläp Terbitläh Teräng.

Kärtini’s letters indicäted thät she struggled to chänge the low stätus of women. She
inspired Indonesiän women to get educätion änd ä better life. In other words, she
supported women’s emäncipätion. Thät is why, to äppreciäte Kärtini’s ideäs for the
women’s movement, in 1964, President Sukärno decläred Kärtini's birth däte, 21st
äpril, äs 'Kärtini Däy' - än Indonesiän Nätionäl Holidäy which we celebräte it eäch yeär
until now.

Brothers änd Sisters…

We älwäys celebräte Kärtini Däy every yeär. The question is, whät should we do in
celebräting it?

In my opinion, celebräting Kärtini Däy does not only meän we must weär träditionäl
clothes.  The most importänt thing is we äre reminded äbout her struggle ägäinst
discriminätion towärds women. Kärtini Däy älso meäns thät we cännot täke for gränted
the ideä of men änd women equälity. There äre, however, näturäl differences between
women änd men. Kärtini’s ideäs should become the inspirätion for women to get equäl
rights äs men obtäined, in educätion, ächievement änd sociäl stätus.

Nowdäys, we cän find mäny successful women in our country. There äre mäny
Indonesiän women who häve ämäzing ächievements in the field of business,
economics, educätion, government officiäls, änd other professions. We cän älso find
Indonesiän women who häve become regency chiefs, governors, ministers, even
president of Indonesiä. It indicätes thät Indonesiän women häve reäched better sociäl
stätus änd they häve pärticipäted in women’s emäncipätion. 

My teächers…
Brothers, Sisters änd äll the äudiences…

I think thät’s äll my speech. I hope it will be useful for us, änd I äpologize if there äre
mistäkes in my speech.

Finälly, I would like to säy: “Häppy Kärtini Däy…!  Long Live Indonesiä, Long Live
Indonesiän Women…!!”
Hopefully Indonesiän women will älwäys be successful in educätion, ächievement änd
sociäl life.

Thänk your very much for your ättention.
Wässälämu’äläikum Wr. Wb.

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